
Silk Office Solutions

Macclesfield, Cheshire SK11 7BF
Union Road Macclesfield England SK11 7BF GB

How many times do you get to the end of a busy day in the office and think ‘I still haven’t done that’. Those are the sort of jobs that we can do for you. It helps to relieve the pressure a little and get you on top of things again. Including typing, reports, mailshots, social media, analysis, credit control and book keeping.

We offer flexible working hours and can work on or away from your business premises. Many jobs can be done via email these days or work can be collected and/or dropped off if necessary.

From 1 hour to a few days a week or month, there is no long term contract, all work is strictly confidential and references can be provided on request if required.

What makes my business special? Heart
I offer a flexible service which fits the needs of my clients. As well as general office admin work, I have also organised parties, events, dinners, flights and holidays!

About the Owner
Having spent 14 years as a Personal Assistant, I understand the fast paced, modern office life. Outside work I love to travel and visited some amazing places. I also enjoy F1, reading and photography.